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    Review: Nnu.NG income Vs Wakanda.NG – All you need to know

    My Friends on Facebook and in Real life have been asking me between NNU.ng Income Platform and Wakanda.ng Income platform which one is the best. So i decided to publish their reviews here.

    Reviews of NNU.ng Income Platform:
    1: NNU.ng costs N1,600 for Registration and this is a one time payment, once you pay the first time you won’t have to pay again and within a month you can earn more than you used in Registering.
    Rating: Bad compared to Wakanda
    2. NNU.ng has over 42,552 Members and 125,210 Topics, this proves that they’ve been on the business for a very long time.
    Rating: Good
    3. NNU.ng have their own Adnetwork that pays them when people click on it and the money they make from it is part of the money they use in paying their users.
    Rating: Good
    4. NNU.ng pays on 27th of every month.
    Rating: Bad
    5. You can only Create one account with your Email Address on NNU Income platform, it doesn’t support multiple accounts in 1 email.
    Rating: Not really bad
    6. You earn N100 for posting relevant, interesting and well structure forum topic that get approved on the website.
    Rating: Good
    7. They are no hidden charges on NNU.ng.
    Rating: Good
    8. NNU.ng pays N1,000 per referal, that’s when you are doing their Affiliate Program.
    Rating: Good
    9. When you login to your account daily on NNU browsing and reading news, you earn N50 or more depending on daily revenue share.
    Rating: Good
    Reviews of Wakanda Nation Income Platform:
    1. Wakanda.ng Charges N1,300 for Registration and this is a one time payment, you don’t have to pay again after paying for the first time.
    Rating: Good
    2. Wakanda.ng Has just 2293 members, 801 topics this shows that they’re younger than NNU.ng or that they have few users compared to NNU.ng.
    Rating: Bad compared to NNU.ng
    3. Wakanda.ng Has no Ad Network of their own, they’re using Google Ads of which anything can happen anytime.
    Rating: Not really bad
    4. They’re no hidden charges on Wakanda.ng Income Platform.
    Rating: Good
    5. You can’t create Multiple accounts with one email address, same as NNU.ng.
    Rating: Not really bad
    6. Wakanda Nation also pays N1,000 per referal when you are doing their Affiliate Program.
    Rating: Good
    7. Wakanda.ng Pays every Sunday that’s 7 days in a week.
    Rating: Good
    That’s all i can provide for now and if you ask me i would say that NNU.ng is better but, Wakanda Nation is also good.
    I like Wakanda.ng more than NNU.ng because of their 7 day(s) payment Lol, but this doesn’t stop them from being the best.
    Comment your Opinions below. Thanks

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